ART sprint

Worldbuilding 2D Concept Art with Anna Hollinrake

Work alongside a former lead artist on Fall Guys, BAFTA Breakthrough Brit and studio founder, Anna Hollinrake.

  • 100% live online course (no pre-recorded content) 
  • Create quality portfolio pieces all based around a world you have created
  • Learn how to ask the right questions to create a compelling, believable space
  • Find visual appeal in characters and environments - and how to have them work together in tandem
  • Analyse your learning process and discover new methods of visual problem solving
  • Break down the barriers you have around environment design
  • Only 30 spaces available 
Write your awesome label here.

Course Dates: 6th - 23rd May 2024 
This course is now SOLD OUT
Contact us for new course dates

You'll love learning with us

"I've loved every minute of this course it's been inspiring and full of new skills I didn't know I needed - thank you very much!"
"Was great to get such hands on feedback from a pro - rare to find unless paying insane amounts or still in education."
"I feel significantly more prepared to build up my portfolio now, thanks to this course. Really enjoyed it."
"I felt really connected to my huddle group, we were such a good gang. Loved the course and tutor, everything worked really well - 100% doing another one.  
"No compalints at all - loved every minute of it. Thank you helping my productivity!
"Thank you to our Sprint Coordinators, they were so helpful and friendly. It was great to have something so feedback orientated."
Helen, concept artist

Who is this course for?

Our courses cater to semi-skilled individuals aiming to advance their game development practice, including university and college games students and grads, hobbyists & indie devs, and junior professionals seeking career progression. If you are not sure if this is for you, please contact us.

You want to expand your skillset to a professional level

Explore additional skill, workflows and techniques with a high-level guide

You want to pivot from within or into games development

Get specfic industry knowledge and build on your foundation for a smooth transition

You want to upskill into a higher role

Get to the next level of your career as a junior or indie dev - theres no limit to how far you can go


We are a little bit different from other online courses so please make sure you are clear on what we offer and if you are at the right stage in your learning journey to take part. Get in touch if unsure.


You need to be age 18+. This course is not for complete beginners. You should already have a small portfolio of work.


This is an online course, with all live sessions taking place in the evenings from 6pm-8.30pm BST on the 6th, 7th, 9th, 13th, 15th, 16th, 20th, 21st and 23rd May.   

Study Duration

We expect participants to work at least 10-15 hours per week on this programme. 


We try and remain software agnostic, so you can use whatever you are already comfortable with.

Course length

3 weeks for the main part of the course with an optional 1 week game jam at the end. 

🤚Hang on, why are Sprints different? 

100% Live & Exclusive

No recorded videos here, this is a live course run over a 3-week period in real-time. You need to be committed and ready to work, but you'll get so much more out of it.

Work with Industry Heroes

All sprints are delivered by the most experienced professionals in the sector. You'll get decades of knowledge condensed into 3-weeks of practical work and Q+A time.

Highly Affordable

Our courses are priced from £13 a day. For this level of learning, you won't find anything better. We also provide discounted placements those from low-income backgrounds. Email us for access

Employer Focussed

Our focus is on helping you eventually get hired. We enrich our sessions with speaker slots from recruiters and hiring managers from our 40+ UK partner game studios. 

Project based

Every sprint you take part in will aim to give you one high-quality portfolio piece for you to use on your career journey. This work is practical and team-led. 

Small Groups

Our cohorts are no more than 40 people and we break this down further into working groups of 4 or 5. This makes for the optimal learning experience.

Course Dates: 6th - 23rd May 2024 
This course is now SOLD OUT
Contact us for new course dates

Frequently asked questions

What does this cost?

£199 for the 3 weeks. This is only £13 a day for live sessions with some of the best games professionals in the world. Courses can be paid for in instalments over a 6 month period if required.  

When does the course run?

Over the 3-weeks, you will attend 8 live sessions from 6pm to 8pm BST, these occur on 6th, 7th, 9th, 13th, 15th, 16th, 20th, 21st and 23rd May. In addtion, between sessions, you will be asked to attend group sessions with your peers on the cohort. We suggest working around 10-15 hours per week to get the most from the Sprint.     

Is financial Aid or assistance available?

Yes. If you are on Universal Credit, you will receive 10% off the price. If you are a care leaver or were eligible for free school meals when growing up, you can qualify for a discount of up to 80%. There is a limited amount of these places available per Sprint and this is only valid for UK residents. Please message us directly.

I can't make all the dates - is this still for me?

While we recommend that you try to attend as many of the live and group sessions as possible, we understand that might not be possible. All sessions are recorded for participants, and you have 24-7 access to content and support for the duration of the Sprint.

What are the technical requirements?

You will need access to a computer for the duration of the Sprint. Our Sprints try to be as software agnostic as possible, but you may need certain tools, which will always be stipulated here if so. For this Sprint, there is no preference.  

Is this for complete beginners?

No. You should have at least 1 years worth of practice within this discipline area (this could include 1 year of a degree, college or personal study time). You can still be at an early stage in your learning path, but you should have a basic portfolio of work. Please email us if you have any queries about this. 
Meet your sprint leader

Anna Hollinrake

Anna Hollinrake is an award winning art director, game developer, and BAFTA Breakthrough Brit. Most recently, she has co-founded the indie studio Electric Saint, where she is Creative Director. Previously she has worked as an Art Lead on Fall Guys at Mediatonic, and as Art Director on the BBC animated show Love Monster. With over eight years experience across six titles, Anna is an active mentor and speaker within the UK games industry. She regularly sells her work at nationwide events, and has also launched a successful apparel Kickstarter.
Patrick Jones - Course author